Owned and managed in partnership by The Friends of Laurier Woods and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority
Located in the heart of the city, the 101 hectare (250 acre) Laurier Woods encompasses a provincially significant wetland, rocky outcrops and upland forest; and is a sanctuary to a broad range of wetland and woodland creatures, including migrating birds.
A 10+ kilometre trail network spans the Woods offering excellent opportunities for hiking and wildlife viewing. There is much to appreciate and enjoy in Laurier Woods - some of which is featured at the interpretive stops along the trail. Stop at the dipping platform on the lower pond to catch a glimpse of the wetland birds and aquatic life. Have a seat at the Haist Lookout for a birds' eye view.
Enjoy your hike!
Please, if you bring it in, take it out. The birds, plants, and Friends of Laurier Woods thank you for using the Woods responsibly.